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Let's Talk Toothpaste! with Cedar Rapids Pediatric Dentistry

January 11th, 2018

Let’s talk toothpaste

with Dr. Terry Geneser of CR Pediatric Dentistry

in Cedar Rapids, Iowa


Fun fact; people have been using material to clean their teeth since 500 B.C.. It started with crushed burnt hooves and egg shells. Thankfully, things have improved since then and we now have a wide assortment of toothpastes to choose from.

Ingredients in ‘natural’ and ‘conventional’ toothpastes are very similar. The choice comes down to your kids taste preference, and your preference with how they’re flavored and dyed. For this post we did a super scientific CR Pediatric Dentistry experiment (just kidding, we just went to Target on Blairsferry Road and looked at the labels. Ha!) and compared Colgate’s Strawberry Smash Toothpaste, and Tom’s of Maine Silly Strawberry.

To start with, for the happiest smiles (and happiest kid dentists' in Linn County), make sure there’s fluoride in your toothpaste. In fact, among the many shared ingredients between the two toothpastes we compared, the most important is fluoride. Fluoride helps prevent painful cavities and decay by strengthening the outer surface of your kids' teeth, helping keep a healthy and strong smile. Most kids who have fluoride in their drinking water AND use a toothpaste that contains fluoride are getting a sufficient amount to prevent issues. You can see if it’s in your drinking water here:


In the past, some have said that fluoride toothpaste should only be used for kids old enough to know how to spit into the sink. However, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend fluoride toothpaste be used from the start - and we here at Cedar Rapids Pediatric Dentistry agree! The amount recommended varies depending on age.

A tiny smear amount - the size of a grain of rice - should be used for kiddos two and under. This amount is SAFE if ingested. However, you should start encouraging your child to lean forward so they can practice the idea of spitting at an early age.  Once they get to the age of two, it’s easier to tell them to spit their toothpaste out, and they can have a pea sized amount of toothpaste (they may not be perfect spitters until they reach kindergarten!  So no worries if it still gets swallowed - a pea sized ball of toothpaste for children over two years old is still SAFE!)

If your kids have a sensitive mouth, or you notice that they’re resistant to brushing their teeth, try switching things up! It could be that a more conventional brand has an abrasive or detergent that is too harsh for them. It could also be that they prefer one flavor over another. Sometimes it's a texture thing - there are gel-based (smoother) and paste-based (grittier) options out there!  Maybe they need a superhero or animal on the tube?! Take a trip to the store together the next time you’re ready to re-stock! Giving your kiddos say in their toothpaste decision can be empowering, and make them more willing to keep their twice daily tooth brushing schedule.

The toothpaste we use at CR Pediatric Dentistry is Crest Kids' Sparkle Fun. Dr. Geneser and Dr. Swenson both likes it because it is bubble-gum mint flavored (a good mix that most kids like!) with a fun name and fluoride to keep that smile healthy.  You can get samples at your next check-up!

[video width="1440" height="1080" mp4="http://www.cedarrapidspediatricdentist.com/assets/uploads/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/toothpaste-gif2.mp4"][/video]

Plaque HD Toothpaste: Let's find these germs!

October 13th, 2017

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://www.cedarrapidspediatricdentist.com/assets/uploads/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Plaque-HD-Pediatric-Lobby-Video-v4.mp4"][/video]

Brushing off plaque can greatly reduce your risk for cavities and gum disease!  But it can be really really hard to do.  Why?  Plaque is white and fuzzy, and on a white tooth, it's very hard to see.  It usually hugs right along gumlines, where little ones and teenagers don't like to brush.  And plaque is super sticky stuff!  It takes a while to brush it all off.

As Pediatric Dental Specialists, we have been frustrated at the lack of good dental products to help show kids and grown-ups where these plaque germs are being left behind.  Moms and Dads - do you remember when you were little, we use to chew on those red tablets that turned our mouths pink where the germs were?  That was great, right?!  We could see the germs!  Well - those plaque disclosing tablets are hard to find (though you can find them here if you're interested) and the red dye stains counters and sinks.  There used to be a great over-the-counter mouth wash called "Agent Cool Blue" that would turn the germs blue before you brush - but Listerine has stopped making it.

Frustrating, right?!  How can we show kiddos where the germs are and help them brush better?  Well, Cedar Rapids Pediatric Dentistry has started working with Plaque HD - a company that has designed a toothpaste with plaque disclosing built right in!  It's really easy and has two yummy flavors (Mint and Bubble Gum Berry).  You can get tubes directly from our office at any time!  Tubes are also available online at the company's website: www.PlaqueHD.com .  The tubes are large and should last a while at your home, and even grownups can use it to see their germs!  Using this toothpaste can make brushing more effective and more fun for everyone.  It keeps kids brushing longer and in the right places, and it's easy for parents to step in and demonstrate because grownups will see the germs too!

Follow the simple instructions above!  Each tube will have instructions enclosed.  This is a real game-changer for oral health and we are so excited to be able to offer it to our families.  If you have any questions about this or any other oral health product, don't hesitate to ask one of our pediatric dentists or any of our trained staff members!

And for any nerdy parents out there, or those that would like more information, here are links to a few great studies showing how the use of this product can help your family achieve better oral health outcomes!




Electronic Forms

September 6th, 2017

We have updated our software system!  Parents and guardians will now receive TEXT MESSAGE CONFIRMATIONS for upcoming appointments (YAY!) with the time and location of your visit.  Parents can also FILL OUT FORMS FROM HOME before check-up visits!

1 week before your scheduled dental check-up, grown-ups will receive an email asking to fill out forms - these include:

  • Health History
  • Accompany Forms (for other grown-ups to bring the kiddos)
  • HIPPA updates
  • Consent forms
  • New Patient forms

You can also view account information and update anything that looks incorrect (like phone numbers, addresses, or emails) or review previous bills.

Why the update?

Filling out forms before your appointment is especially important to do if your kids are older and bringing themselves or if someone other than a legal guardian is bringing the children!

If you do not fill out forms before you come, don't worry!  You can still fill them out on our tablet at the office... AND IT'S BETTER!  Our tablet system is updated and much more user friendly.  We promise :)

To receive and email with link to forms, we will need an email address on file.  If you don't think you've ever given us one, feel free to call in and update your information over the phone!  Once you've received an initial log-in email, you can always review your account or update forms by following the patient forms link from our website.

If you fill out forms at home, YOU WILL STILL BE HANDED THE TABLET TO SIGN IN TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.  Don't get upset.  Just sign in, verify who you are, and you should be all set.  We promise!

Our Favorite Parts...

What's our favorite part?  Well, the text messaging is pretty great.  BUT our new health history form is integrated! (And also very detailed - which makes Dr. Terry and Dr. Sarah very happy.)  This means that after you fill it out for the first time, your answers will be remembered.  You won't have to list 3 medications or 2 allergies, or all of your kiddos' medical conditions on there.  Every. Single. Time.  The first time you fill out this form it may seem lengthy (but easy!).  But every time after, when you log on, you will be told:  "Hey!  It looks like Johnny has Asthma and takes Albuterol and has No Known Allergies.  Anything else change?  Want to add anything new?"  Ta-Da!!  Done.

Please let our staff know what you think of our new system or how you would like it changes or adapted.  Call our office at 319-364-2413 to update us on changes to your email address or new cell phone numbers that you would like to receive text message confirmations on.  Thank you in advance for all of your patience while we enhance our system.  And thank you for being such great families  :)

A Mother's Day Message...

May 14th, 2017


We know how busy life can be.  We know because we are parents, too!

Thank you for letting us help you care for your children.  Thanks for letting us give them high fives and hugs.  And thanks for helping them feel brave even when they're scared.

And THANK YOU for taking care of your children's health - mouths included!  Thank you for picking healthy foods and drinking lots of water.  Thanks for taking away snacks even when your kids get mad at you.  And thank you for helping their mouths stay healthy and clean.

Being a mom (or a dad!) isn't an easy job.  There are a lot of tears and hard choices.  But there are hugs and kisses, too.  We hope you get a lot of those last two this weekend!

And come visit us soon :)